Saturday, September 6, 2008

2nd Post! is anybody reading this?

Guess what [actually, you'd never actually know would you]! I'm getting ALL FOUR of my wisdom teeth pulled out on Tuesday! That gives me less than 3 full days left of solid food. I must admit, I am a little excited to begin this new diet of liquids and ice cream, haha (= Just think how jealous my sister [of 15 years] would be during meal times. In fact, I've already made a list of foods during those 3 days of pain:

Ice Cream
V8 Juice
Chicken Soup
Tomato Soup
Lentil Soup
Mushroom Soup
[a lot of soup]
Progresso Noodle Soup
Odwalla Protein drinks
Cottage Cheese... eew

Sounds exciting, right? I will miss my veggies though. YES i DO love eating vegetables. And I've never enjoyed cheese.

Sad thing is, my mom is worried of severe weight loss so she's force-feeding me a lot of calories for the time being. I'll explain why later.

By the way, anybody know how I can add a link for comments? I'm new here, okay? ._.


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